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Roadmap 2024

Check out our plans for the year ahead as we scale up our network, tools and apps, explore new use cases, and realise our promise of making Decentralised Identity mainstream!

January - MARCH 2024
PoC for Credential Payments in fiat currency

Proof-of-concept for verifier-pays-issuer credential verification payment flow using fiat currency

Status: Complete

Explore Use cases in AI (vAI) and Ad-Tech for credentials

Exploratory partnerships to uncover applications of credentials to post-cookie ad-tech industry and Generative-AI training data - verifiable AI (vAI).

Status: Complete

Research on-chain activity credentials

Exploratory partnerships to uncover applications of credentials issued based on  on-chain behaviour

Status: Complete

Cosmos SDK Mainnet Upgrade
card cheqd network

Upgrade of Cosmos SDK to 0.47, enabling us to stay up to date with latest functionality and leverage all the Cosmos has to offer

Status: Complete

On-chain Proofs enabling Interchain Credentials

Implement community-funded work of Vectis DAO to offer on-chain proofs of off-chain credentials, offer cheqd identity capabilities to other IBC-enabled projects

Status: Complete

cheqd Studio self-serve dashboard
card CaaS

Launch web application for cheqd Studio, to streamline onboarding and user experience

Status: Complete

Offer Selective Disclosure Credentials (SD-JWT) within cheqd Stack

Offer increased privacy and ownership within cheqd product stack through EU approved Selective Disclosure credentials 

Status: Complete

Implement Advanced tokenomics
card cheqd network

EIP 1559 style burn to counterweight inflation more effectively

Status: Complete

Fee abstraction
card cheqd network

Pay for Creds, DIDs & gas in other cosmos tokens which are then resolved to $CHEQ on the fly.

Status: Complete

Update transaction costs
card cheqd network

Review the cost of DIDs, Resources and fees to optimise the amount of tokens burnt and rewards distributed through increased network utility.

Status: In Progress

Implement Skip MEV Capture
card cheqd network

Complete SKIP MEV implementation to return internal revenue to treasury & improve general CHEQ tokenomics

Status: Complete

Publish DID-Linked Resource as W3C specification

Publish DID-Linked Resources (DLRs) draft specification, enabling credential ecosystem builders to leverage DLRs in common data model 

Status: Complete

Create on-chain Trust Registry’s
card cheqd network

Offer trust-registries to allow customers to create trusted issuer or verifier lists using DID-Linked Resources (DLRs)

Status: Complete

Offer Token Status List within cheqd Stack

Offer Status List format for SD-JWT credential types within cheqd Stack 

Status: Complete

Implement Trust Registry APIs
card CaaS

Implement 'create' and 'verify' trust registry APIs using the EBSI Verifiable Accreditation model and DID-Linked Resources.

Status: Complete

Q4 2024 AND 2025
Upgrade Cosmos SDK to version 0.50
card cheqd network

Cosmos SDK 0.50 enables ABCI++ which enables a tighter coupling between the consensus layer and the app layer

Status: Not Started

Provide access to stable coin usage in Credential Payments for cheqd Studio users
card CaaS

Enable ledger-writes and credential verification payments using stable currencies, with CHEQ token used under the hood.

Status: In Progress

Advanced Commercial Models
card CaaS

Explore advanced commercial models using CosmWasm to expand Credential Payments beyond the existing functionality

Status: Not Started

Provide access to stable coin usage in Credential Payments for cheqd Studio users
card CaaS

Enable ledger-writes and credential verification payments using stable currencies, with CHEQ token used under the hood.

Status: In Progress

Stable dollar prices for all transactions
card cheqd network

Stable USD pricing for all transactions provides more certainty and stability to builders on cheqd.

Status: Not Started

2025 Product Survey

Conduct Product survey for 2025 to gather product and market trends.

Status: In Progress

Conduct vAI hackathon

Conduct Verifiable AI hackathon with Dora Hacks for innovating ideas around vAI.

Status: In Progress

cheqd Studio Verifier Portal
card CaaS

Build a portal and interface for verifiers to pay for verifying credentials issued by cheqd Studio and integrate business rules and logic into their own applications for payment-gating.

Status: Not Started

Update cheqd Studio APIs with additional functionality
card CaaS

Add additional functionality to cheqd Studio APIs for schemas, templates and governance.

Status: Not Started

Explore running nodes on third party networks

Exploration of running nodes on other major networks to improve adoption of cheqd functionality, including LACCHAIN and KERI.

Status: Not Started

Get in touch

Partner with cheqd

If you are an SSI Vendor, Consultancy, Enterprise, Government agency, or a Web3 company contact us for a discovery call so we can learn about your use case, problem statements, and get you set up with cheqd.

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